Last week knocked the wind out of me. Just last night I was trying to explain all the crap I endured last week to a friend, but unfortunately when you are trying to explain, essentially the unexplainable, a person who has not been there cannot comprehend your situation. Needless to say, it was a waisted effort.
"1 Blessed is the man who endureth all the crap-eth of life. 2 God shall be glorified through him. 3 He delights in the weakness of that man, 4 and that man is given great treasures and riches in Christ."
Camille 1:1-3
I decided to start my own book of the Bible. These are my first 4 verses.
It feels really good to know that none of this crap is waisted. It has so much purpose in your life, and in your faith. All that God asks of you it to trust Him through it all. The best moment I had last week was when God spoke powerfully, yet gently to my heart, and all I said in response was "yes, Father". It is a beautiful thing to hear the voice of God and have complete confidence that He is at work in you and for you.