On December 16th my sister gave birth to her third child, Gabriella Ann Herrera. She was 6 lbs. 5 oz., and 19 inches long. I have 6 other nephews, and Gabriella is the first girl in this generation in my family. I cannot express to you my excitement when hearing of her birth.
On the morning of Gabi's birth my sister called my home to tell me of her contractions and the feeling she had that Gabi was ready to be born. I almost felt as if I was the one having the baby. I went to my Dad's home that day and had an unusual amount of energy, which is not normal for me. I was also incredibly joyful, which is also unusual when I am around my Dad.

My life seemed to be coming together in my mind. My choices and thoughts came into perfect view, and I didn't seem to have anxiety as I did before. I was released from all my worries, just for this one perfect moment.

On my way to the hospital Jesus sat next to me in the passenger seat, as I was driving the 30 miles north to the hospital. He layed his hand on my shoulder and spoke to my heart. He explained to me that baby Gabi is his gift, and nothing else mattered but his children. I had been brought to His side that night and was not only given the gift of his company, but of a new life.

This was the day she was born. I can't believe how much I was in love with her the moment I saw her. As you can tell my sister Michel is quite the excited one. She was really in a good mood, this photo just caught her off guard.